ruen lveefilt

Are there gift cards available?

Yes, we have two types of gift cards:

  • Electronic gift cards. When the invoice has been paid, you will receive your electronic gift card with your ID number and expiration date. You can use the card to shop on our webshop or at any of our offline shops.
  • Paperboard greeting cards are available in our offline shops or by delivery. There are ID numbers and expiration dates added to the card. You can use the card to shop on our webshop or at any of our offline

You must spend all amount of the gift card on one purchase. Warning! The gift card can't be used to buy a new gift card or for a cash refund.

Attention! The gift card can't be used to buy a new gift card or for cash refund.

Frequently asked questions in category: Gift card
Are there gift cards available?
How long the gift card is valid after purchasing?
How can I use the gift card when making the order on the webshop?
My gift card is expired. What can I do?